    Let's Smoke :)

Monday 26 December 2011

North Korean State TV Translation: Kim Jong Il is Dead

Kim Jong il's Death North Korean News Broadcast Translation
리춘히북한 한국어 뉴스 앵커는 김정일 령도자의 죽음을 기념하는
Ri Chun-hee celebrates the death of Kim Jong Il and aks the North Korean Army to Kill Kim Jong Un. 김정일이 죽었 한국어 뉴스 특별 방송

Friday 29 July 2011

Japanese Bureaucracy: Help Fukushima because the politicians won't!!

19th of July 2011, people in Fukushima had a meeting with government officals from Tokyo to demand that the government evacuate people promptly in Fukushima and provide financial and logistical support for them. Also, they brought urine of children to the meeting and demanded that the government
test it.


fukushima Chernobyl Japan fukishima daiichi daichi dai-ichi nuclear radiation fallout map contaminated food beef expand evacuation exclusion zone office space atomic strutnex virus kindergarden schools decontamination tokyo electric power company tepco energy lies deceit agenda 21 nwo nrc iaea shutdown broken iwake prefecture liquidators kyushu rice straw hay monitoring contamination air water cattle farmer japan japanese government destruction world alex jones cow 福島 東京電力 Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy Japanese Bureaucracy SUCKS!!!